Thursday, November 30, 2017

Packing Up and Saying Goodbye

Waiting for the movers!
It's time to pack up! We've manged to give away most of what we don't want to take with us, and throw out the rest...except for one confusing incident with the couch.  Several people want it, but it's too big for their apartments.  So we end up having to trash it, because in Japan there's no place that accepts used furniture unless it's perfect (and someone was eating yellow curry and spilled it on the cushion, leaving a stain...).  We've talked with our apartment building about getting rid of it, because you have to pay a fee if the item is bigger than 30 cm.  We're told we can just put it in the waiting area by the service elevator, and they'll take care of it and send us the bill (like we've done previously).  Steve breaks it down to it's parts, so it's easier to move, and we think we're all set.  But then one of the managers comes to see us and says it's too big.  What?!?  We go back and forth about it a few times, then she asks if our movers can bring it to the trash area when they come the next day.  We never completely understand exactly what the issue is, but our movers take care of it for us.  And we pay the bill.

Steve's idea of what to do while the packers are in the apartment.
On moving day, Tie-Dye has one final visit with the kennel people and dogs, because we decide he'll be happier there rather than having to hide in the shower all day (that's the only place I can think of to keep him in our apartment).  I'm glad we do that, because we have five people show up to pack our stuff.  I frantically try to help label boxes, so hopefully I can find what I need when it all arrives.  I'm also double checking the room they've marked on the box, because the items in the den are going to four different rooms in the house.  By late afternoon, it's all finished.

First load, heading down to the truck.

It's empty!

We keep several items back (we plan to throw them out the day we leave) so we have a few kitchen items.  I had hidden away our original dollar store items, so we have one cup, two wine glasses, two plates, and two sets of a pot!  I had accidentally put it in the recycle area, because I wasn't planning to cook anymore, but then I remember I meant to keep it so we can boil water (the electric kettle was given away).  Luckily no one has picked it up, so I can still make instant coffee and eat Cup Noodles.  We also have a leaky air mattress and the comforter (despite our washings in the bath tub it will never be completely clean), so we have a place to sleep.  Normally people move to a hotel for the last few days, but again, with a large dog, it's easier just to stay in place.

Soaking in the view from our apartment balcony, one last time.

Tie-Dye comes home, after playing with his friends all day. 

Taking a break from fun and games for a treat.
Those party animals wear me out!
We're treated to some Sayonara parties so we can say goodbye to our friends.  Many of the people we've known have already moved away, but I have lunch with the remaining members of my quilt group - they're down to three with my departure (vs fifteen of us from last year).  We also have fun with our neighbors and the staff at our local bar, Bubbles.  Tie-Dye even gets to go to that one!  Unfortunately, we forget to take many photos, but we have wonderful memories.  Steve gives a speech thanking everyone and sharing how they've helped to make our time in Japan so wonderful.  It's not until tonight that I learn about tejime, the special clap you're supposed to do at the end of a talk.  Technically, it's supposed to mean the party's over, but we still continue on for a couple more hours.

Bubbles!  Don't you want to expand to the US?
I'm going to miss my fresh squeezed juice cocktails!
Now who will meet Jerry
when it's time to walk the dogs (and maybe
stop for a drink at Bubbles, too)?


Quentin, Tie-Dye's late night walking buddy.

Yes, a wine bottle makes a good
microphone (in case you're

"I'm exhausted from all this partying!"

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