Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Parental Advisory

My parents - getting ready to run around unsupervised in Japan!
My parents arrive for a visit!  It's been almost a year since I've seen them (and more than that for Steve) so it's nice to have them here.  We start them off with our customary Tsukiji Fish Market outing.  We thought they would be our last guests to get to see the fish market in it's current location (where it's been for about 80 years) because it's scheduled to be moved in November.  However, there's been some problems with the new spot, so the locale change has been postponed until at least 2017.  

Steve practicing his photo bombing skills.
At last, we remember to take some pictures while we're there!  There are lots of food vendors along the outer market, so it's always fun to try freshly cooked items, especially if you like seafood! 

Dad is watching out for tourists...or is he aiming for them??

On the edge of the market they have one of the little trolley trucks set up for pictures.  You are constantly having to watch for them when you're at the inner market, because they don't move out of the way for tourists! (The drivers are trying to work, after all.)  

They're not too sick to eat lobster rolls!
Soon after this, both my parents start to feel sick.  No, no, no!  Not again!  Thank goodness Craig, Michelle and the girls didn't get sick while they were here - I'd be afraid we have a toxic apartment.  So over the next few days we have limited excursions and lots of nap time.  They're trying to recover because they have their own special trip planned - they're leaving to take a Princess cruise around Japan (with a brief stop in South Korea).  

After resting for the remainder of the week they're ready to go out on their own.  But are we able to let them?  More parents running around loose in Japan - it's too stressful for me!  Maybe I should have reviewed "the rules" with them before they left.  Rule #1 doesn't apply (no throwing up in the car) since we don't have a car here, but Rule #2  (no dying) or Rule #3 (no bleeding) would.  They seem to work when our nephews and nieces visit us!

Luckily I'm able to get a few text messages from them during the week, so I know they made it to their cruise and they're out and about.  We're scheduled to meet up with them in Yokohama after their 8-night cruise ends.  We train down to meet them...and our train is delayed...after I've been telling my parents all week about how the trains always arrive on time.  Luckily we're only 15 minutes late and they're at our meeting point.  Sigh of relief!  

YCAT lobby counter
I do some research and find you can leave large suitcases at the YCAT (Yokohama City Air Terminal) Lobby 2 at Yokohama Station.  The YCAT website has fantastic directions (with pictures) on how to get to Lobby 2:  The cost is around $6.50/per item for 24 hours.  There are also lockers, which cost about half the price.

Dad figuring out the locker instructions - luckily they're in English!

As you get closer there are signs to help you find the correct lobby.

This is located throughout Yokohama station.
If you see this sign you know you're in the right place!

Once we drop off my parents' bags we're easily able to explore Yokohama.  Naturally, our first stop is the Cup of Noodles museum!  Mom and Dad make up their custom soups, and I remember to take a picture of the awesome packaging!  

So many choices!
Your soup is well protected while you're traveling around!


While in the museum, we think we've lost them.  We send them in to watch the movie about the inventor of Cup of Noodles, and we go to sit at the benches.  After 10 minutes, we go to the theater exit and we see people coming out....but no parents!  We circle the floor three different times (it's not THAT big), but we can't find them.  I'm about to put out an Amber Alert on them. Luckily we ask an employee about the movie (thinking maybe they had a problem with their audio translation and they're sitting through a second viewing) and she asks us, "Which theater?"  Oooohhhh - they have two theaters going!  Turns out my parents are in the OTHER theater, which hasn't gotten out yet.  This is stressful!  I'm starting to wonder if I can attach GPS tags to them (you know, like they now sell for your pets).  They come out of the movie a minute later, just as I'm catching my breath from all the running around.  I'm not letting them out of my sight again!

We get in one picture at Chinatown!

Mom and her (almost empty) cough medicine!
From here we wander around Chinatown.  But now Mom is starting to feel very sick again.  We end up going back home, and Mom lies down.  Dad's feeling better, but Mom just gets worse.  We end up going to the doctor, where Mom is diagnosed with acute asthma bronchitis.  With some treatments and medicine, she's finally on the mend!

Mom and Dad do get to enjoy their soups.  This is the first time Dad has ever eaten Cup of Noodles - somehow he missed the stage in college where that's all you eat.  He likes them!  He wants to know if they're healthy, and I have to give him the bad news - they're really not.  Though personally, I think it's the Cup of Noodles that actually cures Mom! 

Yum, yum!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like your parents had a good time (between the not feeling so hot times...)
