Sunday, December 20, 2015

Walking Around

tallest torii in Japan - 40 ft - I guess that's why it's called The Great Torii
It's a beautiful day, so who can resist a little tour around our corner of Tokyo?  (apparently, not a lot of people, based on the crowds!)  We start out at the entrance of the Meiji Shrine, but we went through it on a bike tour earlier in the year, so we just admire the beautiful trees (365 different species).  Right next door is Yoyogi Park.  They allow pets, but it's a little too far to take our dogs.  We see the Olympic Stadium from 1964, and wonder where they are putting the stadium for 2020.  I need to check on that - just curious!

Very cool bridge at Yoyogi - it's engraved with scenes of Olympic sports.  I'm obviously a trend setter; 15 people started taking pictures of the bridge after I took a couple.
We then leave the (relatively) quiet area to check out Harajuku.  We're obviously too old to appreciate this street.  Other than Steve's search for ice cream, we go through it as fast as possible - which is a very slow walk due to the shop door to shop door teenagers.  I know some nieces who will love it, though!

From there we continue on to another quiet area, the Togo Shrine.  Built around 1940, this is to honor the leading admiral from the Russo-Japanese War.  We have to dodge a couple of weddings that are taking place here.  I wonder if they are affiliated with the navy?  Weddings are frequently held at public locations and the places remain open.  There are lots of staff around to direct people away from the ceremonies, but you can usually peek through the trees and crowds and see a little bit. 
I didn't get a picture of the weddings, but I did get 
a shot of the really cool lion at the shrine.

As we are finishing up our walk we come across a farmers market.  Turns out it's the biggest in Tokyo, and not too far from our apartment.  Lots of fresh vegetables, some fruit, fresh bread, flowers, etc, along with about twenty-five food trucks.  We are excited to find mulled wine, with a twist - ginger gluhwein.  Fun to try, but it needed a little sugar!  It's still a nice way to end our walk.   
Next time we'll get the regular gluhwein

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